- Farm Machinery >
- Fertilization >
- Slurry tanker
Slurry tankers

Volume: 4,000, 5,000, 6,000 l
Slurry tanks PRONAR T314 / T315 / T316 are an exceptionally durable constructions, high resistance to corrosion and multifunctionality are just some of the advantages of our slurry trucks. Customers can ...

Volume: 7, 10, 14 m³
Our slurry tankers spread the liquid and solid manures gained from separated ones on your fields efficiently. You can use your specially produced tankers in watering, transport and delivery ...

Volume: 10,000, 8,000, 6,000, 20,000 l
Slurry tankers are designed to suck slurry from the lagoons and homogeneously spread on fields. Special low height design, floatation tyres and strong chassis are some of the features ...

Volume: 6,455, 6,750, 7,614, 9,591 l
... of agricultural LGP slurry tankers from MAJOR. Capacities available from 1400 to 2000 gallons. See the specification tables for more details. There is a detachable parking stand and PTO holder fitted ...

Volume: 16 m³
Barrels are used for injection, transportation and introduction of liquid organic fertilizers, potassium ammoniacal mixture, water supply and saline solution of pesticides. Technical specifications: •Corrosion-resistant coating ...
Zavod Kobzarenka Ltd.
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