Sodium vapor lights

6 companies | 22 products
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greenhouse light
greenhouse light

Power: 1,100 W

The CAN 1000 AL for 1000W HPS lamps is equipped with a multi-tap Philips/Advance Constant Wattage Autotransformer (CWA) ballast, which reduces the response of the lamp to a lower or higher input voltage. This provides a constant output ...

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Gavita International
barn light
barn light
Hagro 250

Power: 250 W

... high-pressure sodium and metal halogenYellow light or white light?Yellow light (high-pressure sodium) is 30% more efficient than white light ...

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DP Agri Ltd.
greenhouse light
greenhouse light
Beamflicker™ Series

Power: 400, 600, 1,000 W

... efficient photoperiod control light system. The Beamflicker™ has an oscillating parabolic reflector with a high-intensity sodium lamp that broadcasts beams of light from one end of the ...

greenhouse light
greenhouse light

Power: 1,032 W

... in hand with a minimum light interception. The HSE NXT II fixture also has a standard reflector collar, which means that the fixture can be used in combination with the entire Hortilux Schréder reflector range. The optimum ...

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Hortilux Schréder
horticulture lighting system
horticulture lighting system

Power: 1,000, 600, 750 W

... electronic power supply for optimum HORTURION lamp performance. Open reflector construction for optimum lamp temperatures, light distribution and lifetime. Easily removable for cleaning.

barn light
barn light
AL2007 Series

Power: 250, 400 W

... available with High Pressure Sodium (HPS) or Metal Halide (MH) lamps in 250 and 400 Watt. High Pressure Sodium emits yellow light, has a high light output and therefore ...

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