Soil disinfection sheetings

6 companies | 10 products
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{{product.productLabel}} {{product.model}}

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{{#each product.featureValues}} {{content}} {{/each}}
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{{/end}} {{/each}}


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{{#each product.featureValues}} {{content}} {{/each}}
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{{/end}} {{/each}}


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soil disinfection sheeting
soil disinfection sheeting

... increase the efficiency of soil disinfection, reducing the time it takes and improving the death-rate of pathogens, even at deeper levels of the soil. We offer a wide range of mulches ...

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Armando Alvarez Group
soil disinfection sheeting
soil disinfection sheeting

The most popular method of soil disinfection makes use of film in combination with a disinfectant. The film covers the soil and the disinfectant is released underneath the film or in ...

greenhouse sheeting
greenhouse sheeting

... on its colour: Black: it preserves temperature stability and prevents weed growth. White: it is rather focused on disinfection. Both of them are very resistant to traction, ripping, stretching and withstand low temperatures.

soil disinfection sheeting
soil disinfection sheeting

It provides optimal thermal conductivity to warm deeper into the soil. This technique consists of using solar energy by means of films, which is environmentally-friendly and economical both inside the greenhouse and ...

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Solplast S.A.
weed control sheeting
weed control sheeting

... vegetable and fruit, being covered on the soil to prevent the contact between the crop and soil: Higher quality crops. Saving on water Minimisation of weeds Control of soil temperature Disinfection ...

soil disinfection sheeting
soil disinfection sheeting

Multilayer co-extrusion film manufactured in thicknesses between 30 and 50 microns for the disinfection of agricultural land using the technique of solarization. This can be used in Greenhouses, Tunnels and on open fields. Improvements ...

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