Spring-tooth harrows

3 companies | 3 products
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spring-tooth harrow
spring-tooth harrow

Working width: 4,150 mm - 6,600 mm

... 4,5 – Spring tooth harrow machine SPIDER, working width of 4,5 m 3. STH 4,75 – Spring tooth harrow machine SPIDER, working width ...

spring-tooth harrow
spring-tooth harrow

Working width: 6, 8 m

A high-output Grass Harrow and seeder, designed for large-scale farmers and contractors. The Grass Master consists of a heavy-duty harrow complete with levelling board, purpose-built to carry an Air 16 ...

spring-tooth harrow
spring-tooth harrow

Working width: 60'00", 72'00"

... -Adjustable depth control up to 5” deep. -Spring tooth sleds contour uneven ground providing consistent cultivating depth and level better than a fixed frame cultivator. -7 bar harrow ...

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