Stainless steel doors

2 companies | 3 products
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{{/end}} {{/each}}


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{{/end}} {{/each}}


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door for livestock buildings
door for livestock buildings

... essential components are made of stainless steel, our gates are suitable even in difficult conditions. Examples include spaces with high ammonia and moisture levels such as factories, salt storage, etc. ...

barn door
barn door

standard Inner door plastic inner door in stainless steel frame 87,5 cm wide and 200 cm high single swingdoor plastic grey door, isolated and moisture-resistant stainless steel framework around door stainless steel ...

See the other products
Vereijken Hooijer B.V. (Pro Dromi®)
barn door
barn door

Standard type: plastic outter door in stainless steel frame single swingdoor plastic door, withe on both sides, isolated and moisture resistant stainless steel corner ...

See the other products
Vereijken Hooijer B.V. (Pro Dromi®)
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