Stainless steel hay racks

6 companies | 6 products
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pig hay rack
pig hay rack

... alfalfa, straw and hay with different stalk lengths can be used, no clogging, no uncontrolled trickling of straw that is too small (Rack Flexi) ■ Large-volume container for large filling quantities ■ ...

pig hay rack
pig hay rack

... designed a range of straw feeders. These feeders are low-spill, so they can also be used with grid floors. The stainless steel straw racks are available in any length. You can also combine a straw feeder ...

pig hay rack
pig hay rack

Staw rack from stainless steel material. The straw racks are filled with organic material. The size of the cut-outs is designed for the use of straw. Thus, only few straw parts can ...

cattle hay rack
cattle hay rack

•Suitable for cattle with 12 feeding spaces; •Extremely stable, hot-dip galvanized construction; •Two of the sides open up completely; •Easy attachment via linkage drawbar to a tractor or front loader; •Minimum feed loss; •Protects ...

sheep hay rack
sheep hay rack
RMT 9801

horse hay rack
horse hay rack

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