Stainless steel oxygenators

3 companies | 4 products
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stainless steel oxygenator
stainless steel oxygenator

Output: 300 l/s

Opened rectangular oxygenator, working at a vey low pressure, treating water flows until 300 l/s, and able to dissolve until 230% of the saturation (30ppm at 14°C in fresh water). Made in stainless steel.

micro-bubbles oxygenator
micro-bubbles oxygenator

Roots Blower is used in aquaculture on the working principle of blowing the oxygen into the water. Roots blower uses the high pressure to transport the oxygen so that aqua animal can get enough oxygen they needed. It consumes less electric ...

cone oxygenator
cone oxygenator
SOLVOX® cone

... concentration of oxygen in water, it is made from corrosion-resistant glass-fibre-reinforced plastic (GRP) with high-quality stainless steel fittings. Various SOLVOX® C design innovations achieve transfer efficiency rates ...

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micro-bubbles oxygenator
micro-bubbles oxygenator

SOLVOX® DropIn is a new, easy-to-deploy and highly efficient solution for the oxygenationof sea cages. It is suited to both continuous oxygenation schemes and short-term applications such as de-licing or medical treatments. This innovative, ...

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