Stainless steel transport carts

3 companies | 3 products
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carcass transport cart
carcass transport cart

... nylon swivel wheel for reinforcement. .Stainless steel: stainless steel tubular structure, with manual winch traction up to 600kg, to fasten the dead animal; pneumatic wheels. Stainless steel 4W: stainless steel ...

carcass transport cart
carcass transport cart

... equipped with an integrated wide roller to place the animal on the slide. Handles on the slide provide the necessary grip for transport even with very large animals. Using the pull rod, the carcass is then pulled to the ...

transport cart with swivel casters
transport cart with swivel casters

... front wheel Permits a load capacity of up to 345 L Optional: stackable cover (P1212319), wooden separator with stainless steel slides (P1212323), inflatable wheel with metal rim (P1217305), solid wheel with plastic ...

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