Summer artichoke seeds

2 companies | 3 products
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early artichoke seeds
early artichoke seeds
Imperial Star

Early green annual for summer harvests. A green artichoke specifically bred for annual production, Imperial Star will produce well-developed artichokes the first year from seed. ...

See the other products
very early artichoke seeds
very early artichoke seeds
Colorado Star

... show purple-tinged bracts. Avg. 9,600 seeds/lb. Packet: 25 seeds. SCIENTIFIC NAME: Cynara spp. CULTURE: Artichokes and cardoon require very fertile, well-drained soils with a ...

See the other products
very early artichoke seeds
very early artichoke seeds
Imperial Star

... one meter tall perennial artichoke is a real Mediterranean delicacy to every gourmet. The edible head with its fine aniseed-like taste is, in fact, the basket-shaped inflorescence of the plant. It can be cut from early ...

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