Summer fennel seeds

4 companies | 4 products
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medium early fennel seeds
medium early fennel seeds
Orion F1

late fennel seeds
late fennel seeds

New fennel variety for intermediate-day growing areas. Bright white, thick fleshy bulbs with healthy dark tops. Excellent uniformity. Growing Days Sowing Southeast US: 65 Growing Days Sowing Northeast US : 62 Growing ...

late fennel seeds
late fennel seeds
FEN 15200

Hybrid fennel variety with a cycle of 70-75 days from transplanting. Recommended for harvesting in late summer and autumn. Plants are medium-strong and healthy. Bulbs are ready at commercial stage of ...

early fennel seeds
early fennel seeds
Enea F1

Maturity cycle: early cycle, 65 days DAT; Plant: vigorous and healthy, good leaf coverage, erect and rustic; Head: large size with high specific weight, spherical shape, pure white colour, crunchy and tasty paste. Excellent field ...

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