Temperature boluses

3 companies | 4 products
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tracking bolus
tracking bolus

... design of the bolus to give longer radio range and continuously available data through the farm network. The eBolus is a wireless telemetric device swallowed by the cow that provides continuous and accurate measurements ...

tracking bolus
tracking bolus
Smart Rumen

... Moonsyst monitors - heat detection - rumen temperature - health conditions - water intake - calving - rumen pH* * not standard Equipped with multiple sensors detecting movement and other data. The bolus ...

tracking bolus
tracking bolus
smaXtex Bolus pH Plus

The smaXtec pH & Temp Sensor is designed to provide continuous measurement of ruminal pH and temperature of cows. The recorded data is transmitted wirelessly to the Base Station in real-time. BENEFITS OF PH MEASUREMENT - ...

See the other products
smaXtec animal care GmbH
tracking bolus
tracking bolus

... designed to provide continuous measurement of the temperature in the rumen as well as activity levels. The recorded data is transmitted to the smaXtec Base Station in real-time. BENEFITS OF TEMPERATURE ...

See the other products
smaXtec animal care GmbH
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