Tire rollers

7 companies | 27 products
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{{#each product.featureValues}} {{content}} {{/each}}
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compacting roller
compacting roller
BWP series

It is intended for sowing, surface compaction of the soil. Thanks to its mass and the use of ring rollers, it is able to partially crush clods of earth created during plowing, which allows for much higher yields. Its ...

packer roller
packer roller
T-Pack series

For reconsolidating the soil AMAZONE offers the pre-running intermediate axle and front packer T-Pack U, the side packer T-Pack S and the T-Pack IN series for mounting in the centre of the machine to press on the tractor's intermediate ...

packer land roller
packer land roller
GT-LM series

When wheels make perfectly ready seed bed for sowing, enables protection of humidity by comprassing upper layer of the soil about down to sowing level. It prevents seeds to be chilled by comprassing the soil after sowing, seed contacts ...

cultivating roller
cultivating roller

Hanging and towed rollers are used for small parcels. Their major task is compressing the soil. They are used for breaking up the turfs which cannot be broken up by cultivation tools and leveling the surface of farmlands. The ...

compacting roller
compacting roller
CT 310

... The flat-profile rollers are particularly supple to permit maximum self-cleaning even in wet conditions. They are used for different types of soils and applications, working surface soil more than deep soil. The large-diameter ...

See the other products
Otico sas
compacting roller
compacting roller

With its self-directional system and its tires 10.75 X 15/10 (Ø 760) its robustness is no longer to be demonstrated. Compact frame with high visibility Equip it with 45X12 tines to improve its efficiency and homogenize ...

packer roller
packer roller

Mechanical drive-assist belt pressure roller •Stable frame with three-point hitch Cat. 2 •Working width 1,500 mm •Belt size 11.5/80 – 15.3/10 PR size Ø 850 mm •Total weight approx. 520 kg ZIBO HYDRAULIC DRIVE-ASSIST ...

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