To boost resistance boluses

6 companies | 8 products
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nutrition bolus
nutrition bolus

Mineral complementary compound feed Bolus Repro Plus was created as a result of many years of research. It supplies the animals with copper, selenium, cobalt and iodine, which are essential for the immunity, reproduction, and growth ...

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Trans Feed Futuro Lab Sp. z o.o. S.K.A.
phosphorus bolus
phosphorus bolus

Phosphorous Bolus for cows Conditions that require using phosphor: Downer cow syndrome During spring time, cattle with phosphor deficiency shows some symptoms like: loss of appetite, nutritional problem, reduced milk production, ...

nutrition bolus
nutrition bolus

dry cow bolus
dry cow bolus
Oligovet Pre-Calving

The preparation of suckler cows for calving is very often under-estimated, or even forgotten. However, it is the the key factor in determining breeding performance. Trace element deficiencies can accentuate the risks of: -Diarrhoea ...

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nutrition bolus
nutrition bolus

Mineral bolus that boosts udder vitality and resistance. The Udder-Vital Bolus is a supplementary animal feed (mineral feed) to boost the animal’s udder vitality and general resistance. This mineral bolus has been developed to provide ...

nutrition bolus
nutrition bolus

MAYCILLIN is a quick acting Dairy Cow bolus for use in lactating cows. Format: - Bolus Pack Size: - 10 Category: - Dairy Cow For Use With: - Cows & Cattle MAYCILLIN is a complementary bolus feed for cattle. COMPOSITION Contains: -Allium ...

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