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- Towed manure spreader
Towed manure spreaders

Capacity: 0.9 m³
... is a ground driven compact manure spreader. With 8 paddles and three speed adjustability you can unload the 25 bushel capacity as quickly or slowly as you need. Optional on the MX25 is a jack stand ensuring ...
Wallenstein Europe

Agrimerin Manure Spreader enables homogenous spreading of manure rich in organic matter along the surface of the field due to the vertical spiral system. By this way, compression ratio ...

Capacity: 7.3, 9 m³
The Powerspread Dairy is the general purpose side discharge farm spreader that will spread all types of slurry and straw yard dung. It has a fixed main auger speed of 13 rpm at 540 PTO speed which makes ...

•DLG-proven spreading accuracy (fine spreading unit with 4 vertical rollers) •Spreading unit: detachable, electronically balanced, screwed rotatable distributors, ripping tines •Galvanized, robust scraper floor chains •Amplified, screwed ...
Oehler Maschinen Fahrzeugbau GmbH

Capacity: 3, 5, 10, 20 m³

Capacity: 6 m³ - 19 m³

Capacity: 10 m³

Capacity: 9, 7, 11 m³
SIPMA RO 600 TAJFUN, SIPMA RO 800 TAJFUN and SIPMA RO 1000 TAJFUN are used for spreading manure, compost, peat, chicken manure and lime. They can also be used for transport of agricultural commodities ...

Capacity: 4.7, 7.6 m³
... spread material The choice of manure spreader N-218 is the ideal solution for small and medium-sized farms. They cooperate with tractors equipped with a lower hitch type transport hitch and are designed ...

Capacity: 31, 33 ft³
... the equine enthusiast or gentlemen/woman farmer, our GD compact manure spreaders demonstrate big abilities in a compact size. Easily maneuvered in tight space. This compact manure spreaders ...

Capacity: 3 m³ - 20 m³
Solid manure spreader provides manure to be loaded on and disposed of to the field homogenously. Organic manure corrects the physical features of the soil as well as ...

From a qualified solid manure spreader is expected to provide homogeneous distribution and a wide spreading. With one of İNTERMİLK ‘s different capacity solid manure spreader ...

Manure-spreader – mod. RS/F Optionals Hydraulic conveyor Galvanized body

Capacity: 10 m³ - 20 m³
... Ltd. produces manure spreaders of 10 – 20 tons capacity, which are used to transport manure to field and spread it. Manure spreaders are manufactured ...

Capacity: 5.8 m³
The N267/1 manure spreader has a nominal capacity of 6 tonnes. This tandem machine features a four-drum vertical adapter which leans towards the front to guarantee uniform and wide spreading of manure. ...
Metal-Fach Sp. z o.o.

Manure spreader single axle trailer. Up to 6.000 kg capacity Standard equipments: MANURE SPREADER WITH SPIRAL BLADES 2 SPEEDS WITH REVERSE 2 SLIDING LINKS CHAINS “ADR” ...
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