Towed row crop cultivators

10 companies | 12 products
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towed row hoe
towed row hoe

Row spacing: 300 mm - 1,600 mm
Width: 1.4 m - 4 m

REMOWEED is the automatic hoe (inter row and inter plant) manufactured by FERRARI COSTRUZIONI MECCANICHE. Different from the standard hoes available on the market, this machine introduces innovative technological ...

towed mechanical weeder
towed mechanical weeder

Row spacing: 0.6 m - 1.8 m
Width: 1.3, 2.2 m

... weeding ■Total weeding in all growing stages. ■Drastic reduction in herbicide application.. ■Ideal for organic horticultural crops: lettuce, onion, parsley, etc. ■High working speed. ■It does not damage surface irrigation ...

pull-type row hoe
pull-type row hoe

Row spacing: 20 cm
Width: 3 m

Weeding is the most important work for vegetable growers. Breaking the crust is, beside hoeing of weeds and guaranteeing of a good water balance inside the soil, of great importance. Beside the hoeing, it is very important to crumble ...

towed mechanical weeder
towed mechanical weeder

Width: 1.05 m

mounted row crop cultivator
mounted row crop cultivator

Row spacing: 45 cm - 75 cm
Width: 2,750 mm - 9,000 mm

Row-crop cultivator with rigid toolbar, available from 3 to 12 rows. Cultivating units with 3 or 5 tines depending on the row spacing. The versions with ...

See the other products
towed row crop cultivator
towed row crop cultivator
FR series

Row spacing: 75, 90 cm

Elements Cultivator The cultivator with separate cultivating elements for ideal ridge forming, even when the potato is already growing. FR .PTO shaft W2500 with slip clutch tractor side 1 3/8” – ...

towed row crop cultivator
towed row crop cultivator

Row spacing: 45, 50 cm
Width: 12, 6, 9, 3 m

... YIELDS The ROW-MASTER RN_S cultivator is designed for weeding inter-rows, removing the soil crust, eliminating the growth of weeds, and creating a proper soil climate in sugar beet crop. ...

towed row crop cultivator
towed row crop cultivator

Row spacing: 70 cm

Row crop cultivators are intended for weeding and mellowing the soil, realizing a good copy of it and an uniform working depth. • The working bodies are hoeing, destroying the weeds ...

towed row hoe
towed row hoe

... machine. Thanks to its row tracking technology, the machine works between the rows of the crop after the emergence. This means that the system replaces several machine types and also ...

towed row hoe
towed row hoe
Thema series

Row spacing: 45, 50, 70, 75 cm

The new hoeing machine THEMA for crop rows is strong, versatile, light and reliable. Suitable to different crops on various soil conditions (sandy, middle-heavy and heavy soil), it ...

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