Transportable compressor

5 companies | 6 products
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air compressor
air compressor
Serie 3500

Flow: 680 l/min - 1,500 l/min

The PTO Compressor SERIES 3500 is offered in three different versions based on the pump group and tank capacity. The versions are assembled on the same supporting frame, which also includes the METAL WORK filter group ...

air compressor
air compressor
EnerComp PTO

The PTO compressor extends the MINELLI’s professional range. It is used by joining it directly to the tractor connection. It is available in several sizes of ABAC pumps. It is fitted with 24l capacity tank, equipped with ...

air compressor
air compressor
ECOPLUS series

Flow: 554, 820, 1,640, 1,018, 1,500 l/min

The ECOPLUS models are featured by sober and essential lines and top quality components. They are compact, powerful and reliable. ECOPLUS 1500 and ECOPLUS 1700 TANDEM are the top models of the range. Designed for a highly professional ...

air compressor
air compressor

Pressure: 0 bar - 8 bar
Flow: 11,500 l/min

The Tornado AC115 is a PTO driven screw compressor. With this compressor it is possible to blow the hoses from the drag hose system empty. Because of the immense continual capacity no cleaning balls are ...

air compressor
air compressor
ALPHA series

Flow: 320 l/min - 1,400 l/min

The ALPHA series compressors for pruning coupled to the three point linkage and driven by the PTO, represent our manufacturing base, comprehensive range of models designed to give full performance from small user to the ...

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Corbins Agricultural Technology
air compressor
air compressor
MAGNUM series

Flow: 610 l/min - 1,400 l/min

Compressor coupled to the three point linkage with large boiler and powerful battery-twin high-flow compressor. His particular boiler design with the closest point tractor hitch allows the use of this ...

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Corbins Agricultural Technology
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