Unisex aprons

2 companies | 3 products
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work apron
work apron

... comfortable apron for sale on market stalls, farm shop, community-supported agriculture, etc. It is made of cotton canvas, unisex and can be worn by a man as well as a woman. The crossed straps at ...

horticulture apron
horticulture apron
HA20R, HA20L

Harvestwear offers a couple of choices of horticulture aprons for holding all the necessary tools when out in the field. Exceptionally strong and reinforced for longer life, Harvestwear horticulture aprons ...

See the other products
Harvestwear Global Ltd
horticulture apron
horticulture apron

Harvestwear offers a couple of choices of horticulture aprons for holding all the necessary tools when out in the field. Exceptionally strong and reinforced for longer life, Harvestwear horticulture aprons ...

See the other products
Harvestwear Global Ltd
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