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- Vegetable sorter
Vegetable sorters

The sorting belt allows the removal of all the under measure leaves and foreign bodies. By a shaking system of the belt, made in squared hole 2×2 net, it separates the reject product from the one to work. The reject product can be collected ...

Simultaneous sorting discolored grain and broken grain Production of high quality grain Remote control repair in case of troubles Contaminants sorting We serve many solutions for various grains sorting, having High technologies of ...

Inspection table for hand sorting of potatoes and other round products. The machines are manufactured with plastic rollers that rotate the product for effective inspection. Complete with skylights and speed variator. Roller tables can ...
EKKO Maskiner A/S

... plastic, stones, glass, and wood from field run tomatoes. FEATURES · The precise and powerful vision system allows the sorter to work perfectly in every daylight condition · Wide range of colour regulation (from ...

The Allround Screen sizer is designed to grade according to the square or hexagonal size. the machine has a vibrating rotatling rubber bed with openings. is the product smaller than the opening, it falls on a belt. TYPES AND SPECIFICATIONS SS ...
Allround Vegetable Processing B.V.

The optical sorters of the “S100” series are manufactured on stainless steel frame with a high resistance to corrosion. Both the electronic control and the cutting-edge detecting optical system assure an accurate, ...
MTS srl

Oxbo’s Vibratory Sorting Table (VST) enables the easy and efficient elimination pin beans, broken beans, rocks, leaves and other field debris assuring a clean, high quality fresh market product that appeals to the quality-conscious ...

... capacity of the sorter is adapted to the needs of farms. The sorter is a transportable device that can work both indoors and outdoors in places where it can be powered with 3x380 V + N. Due to the ...

Standard equipment • Separation of potato into three size fractions (3 sorting sieves 35×35, 40×40, 45×45) • Electric engine 0.75kW, 1400 rpm Power: 400V/50Hz • Inclined belt conveyor with carriers • Selection table • Productivity - 2 t/h
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