Vineyard fertilizers

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NPK fertilizer
NPK fertilizer

Organomineral Fertilizer for High-Performance Crops Innovative organomineral complex formulated with enzymatic hydrolysate of animal origin and a balanced combination of NPK, humic acids, organic matter, amino acids, ...

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Quimsa ITW
NPK fertilizer
NPK fertilizer

Complex mineral-organic system obtained from enzymatic hydrolysis of blood in NPK formulation. It contains a balanced mixture of organic nitrogen and salts of phosphorus and potassium, 100% absorbable natural chelated iron, humic extract, ...

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Quimsa ITW
against iron chlorosis fertilizer
against iron chlorosis fertilizer

Mineral-organic system effective against iron chlorosis. Obtained from enzymatic hydrolysis of animal origin and strongly enriched with highly soluble iron chelate. It ensures maximum protection and availability of iron for the plant. ...

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Quimsa ITW
organic fertilizer
organic fertilizer

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mineral fertilizer
mineral fertilizer

OMEX 3X is a balanced blend of macro and micro-nutrients, designed to support all stages of plant development. WHEN AND WHY TO USE IT OMEX 3X is a well balanced multi purpose foliar feed, which can be used at any stage during the ...

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mineral fertilizer
mineral fertilizer
Actipol EDDHSA Fe-6

NPK fertilizer
NPK fertilizer

ORGANO-MINERAL FERTILIZER NPK (S) 9-6-12 (22) with Boron (B) and Iron (Fe) LOW LEVELS OF CHLORINE UNIMAX is an organo-mineral NPK fertilizer targeted to encourage crop production processes, especially ...

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mineral fertilizer
mineral fertilizer

... Organic-based Fertilizer Industry. -Member of UNIFA : Union of Fertilizer Industries. -Member of UPJ: Union of companies for the protection of gardens and public spaces. -Company certified interprofessional ...

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mineral fertilizer
mineral fertilizer

Liquid Nutrition for Foliar applications SPECIFICATIONS Formulation Nitrogen slow release Application Foliar Form Liquid MINERAL COMPOSITION (in g/L for liquid products) N 300 MgO 33 SO₃ 67 AGRONOMIC INTERESTS Azo-Speed ...

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organic fertilizer
organic fertilizer

Plant health: a safe bet Plants are living organisms whose every need must be met. Trace elements are naturally part of these needs, but their balance, in the reality of crops, is frequently negative. There is then a degradation ...

organic fertilizer
organic fertilizer
Bio K

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organic fertilizer
organic fertilizer

Organic fertiliser in 5 mm pellets derived from dried poultry manure. Agronomic values Contains 600 kg organic matter per tonne The phosphorus and potassium are 90% assimilable. Nitrogen mineralisation occurs at 80 to 90 days depending ...

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mineral fertilizer
mineral fertilizer

... has a moderately low pH and low salt index ♦ Suitable for the Nutrigation™, foliar application and fertilizer blends As a nitrogen-free fertilizer, Haifa MKP™ is the preferred source of phosphorus ...

nitrogen fertilizer
nitrogen fertilizer

RAPID-PENETRATION NITROGEN AND CALCIUM FUNCTIONS: Calcium supply · Fruit enlargement · Supply of N, P, K NITROEXPRES is a NPK 22-0-8+12 CaO formulation that has been developed to provide an effective nitrogen supplement by localised ...

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Quimicas Meristem S.L.
organic fertilizer
organic fertilizer

AMINO ULTRA is a group of micronutrient fertilizers containing glycine - an organic chelating agent, which is naturally used by plants in the process of micronutrient transport. AMINO ULTRA fertilizers ...

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INTERMAG Sp. z o.o.
organic fertilizer
organic fertilizer

INNOVATIVE FORMULATION TO PROMOTE THE FORMATION OF CARBOHYDRATES AND PROTEINS NEKAMIL® STAR is a concentrated solution of potassium in the presence of rapidly assimilated sulphur. Due to its systemic absorption, it can be applied by ...

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organic fertilizer
organic fertilizer

High organic acid content calcium hydrogen ions which can be recieved by plants are made NITRO CAL 20 acidic. Organic acids are harmless; gives taste the fruit. NITRO CAL 20, is a special source of calcium that can be moved up from root ...

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organic fertilizer
organic fertilizer

Fish Plus™ is an all-purpose, liquid fish-based fertilizer blend, producing great results on everything you grow. An enzymatically digested product to ensure the highest quality nutrients and organic acids. This formula ...

mineral fertilizer
mineral fertilizer

Improves berry, must & wine quality, stimulates photosynthesis, increases the thickness of the berry skin which delays botrytis penetration. Lipoxyline®, the active ingredient of ECOBIOS® VIGNE, is a specific lipopeptide that occurs ...

organic fertilizer
organic fertilizer

OSMO Vignes is a natural fertilizer with a gentle and long-lasting action for vines and gooseberries (redcurrant, blueberry, raspberry, cranberry,...) and other fruit plants. This balanced formula contains only high quality ...

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