Walk-behind straw blowers

3 companies | 4 products
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self-propelled straw blower
self-propelled straw blower

The Valmetal Flotrac possesses all the same characteristics of the regular self-propelled Bedding Chopper but this model is equipped with special floatation wheels. Flotrac was originally developed specifically for poultry barns (turkeys, ...

self-propelled straw blower
self-propelled straw blower

... SPREADING The powered drive wheels makes running the unit effortless. The operator has full control of the speed as he walks behind the machine. Two adjustable flaps located at the exit of the chopper ...

walk-behind straw blower
walk-behind straw blower

... provide great stability and two 16'' 6 ply back tires. - Central high clearance frame to facilitate the circulation on straw or hay.

walk-behind straw bedder
walk-behind straw bedder

The SE bedder is an electric powered spreader running on two 12V batteries. The bedder must be pushed along by hand. The electric powered stirrer prevents clogging and the conveyor distributes the bedding to the cow cubicle. The speed ...

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