Warming up equine solariums

2 companies | 4 products
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drying equine solarium
drying equine solarium

The Hippocenter horse solarium is designed to dry and/or warm up your horses with a dual effect. The lamps give off heat which is propelled by fans situated to the rear of the solarium. This diffuse heat reaches all parts of your horse, ...

warming up equine solarium
warming up equine solarium

Better blood circulation Solariums can help improve your horse's performance and condition. The heat energy penetrates the skin into the underlying muscle and helps stimulate blood circulation, this improves muscle elasticity and therefore ...

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warming up equine solarium
warming up equine solarium

Better blood circulation Solariums can help improve your horse's performance and condition. The heat energy penetrates the skin into the underlying muscle and helps stimulate blood circulation, this improves muscle elasticity and therefore ...

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drying equine solarium
drying equine solarium

Better circulation Due to the warm air flow there will be a better blood circulation in the muscles, so that the waste management in the muscles improves and your horse will be less likely to suffer from injuries. The generated infrared ...

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