Water Disinfectants

4 companies | 11 products
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peracetic acid-based Disinfectant
peracetic acid-based Disinfectant

Acidic disinfectant cleaner, low foaming, for utensils, surfaces, and irrigation systems. It acts as a hygienizer through its oxidative action on organic matter (biofilm) and as a descaler of insoluble inorganic compounds. ...

See the other products
Quimsa ITW
liquid Disinfectant
liquid Disinfectant

"Liquid water conditioner, super concentrated, homogeneous, and without sedimentation, based on high-purity potassium permanganate and enhancing additives. The designation ""FLOW"" indicates its high content of additives ...

See the other products
Quimsa ITW
peracetic acid-based Disinfectant
peracetic acid-based Disinfectant

Acidic disinfectant cleaner, low foaming, for utensils, surfaces, and irrigation systems. It acts as a hygienizer through its oxidative action on organic matter (biofilm) and as a descaler of insoluble inorganic compounds. ...

See the other products
Quimsa ITW
aquatic weed Disinfectant
aquatic weed Disinfectant

Concentrated algaecide based on quaternary ammonium compounds for the maintenance of water in irrigation systems and reservoirs. It inhibits the growth of algae and turbidity. It does not contain perchlorates.

See the other products
Quimsa ITW
aquatic weed Disinfectant
aquatic weed Disinfectant

Concentrated cationic and polymeric algaecide with flocculating action for the maintenance of water in irrigation systems and reservoirs. It inhibits the growth of algae and turbidity while flocculating suspended solids. ...

See the other products
Quimsa ITW
liquid Disinfectant
liquid Disinfectant

Liquid water conditioner, concentrated, homogeneous, and without sedimentation, based on high-purity potassium permanganate and enhancing additives. It contains substances that improve free flow, anti-agglomeration, and ...

See the other products
Quimsa ITW
irrigation pond Disinfectant
irrigation pond Disinfectant

Granulated biological product that contains a mixture of different types of facultative bacteria (aerobic and anaerobic spores) cellular enzymes, plant extracts and nutrients, adsorbed on a porous mineral of natural and inert origin. ...

See the other products
Quimsa ITW
irrigation pond Disinfectant
irrigation pond Disinfectant

... stored water (reservoirs, ponds, lagoons, etc.) while reducing the growth of surface algae. Its mechanism of action consists of treated water with DYNALGAE BLUE reflecting part of the solar radiation ...

See the other products
Quimsa ITW
liquid decontaminant
liquid decontaminant

water Disinfectant
water Disinfectant

... Environmental Protection Agency registered limited disinfectant for farm and hatchery water line systems. CLARIFECT™, a stable, bromine-based water disinfectant: -Controls ...

liquid Disinfectant
liquid Disinfectant
Yodo S. P. / Yodorvex

... housings, surgical material, wounds, udder disinfection, a.o. Disinfection of water and water systems.

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