Winter spinach seeds

4 companies | 4 products
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annual spinach seeds
annual spinach seeds

... the winter tunnel. Uniform bright green leaves on tall, upright stems. Glossy, round, and cupped. Best in fall, winter, and early spring. Disease Resistance: Downy Mildew races 1–16, 19 (High) Specs: Packet: ...

fusarium resistant spinach seeds
fusarium resistant spinach seeds
Parys F1

winter spinach seeds
winter spinach seeds

Giant Winter is a large-leaved and hardy spinach variety that is best cultivated from mid August until the end of October, so it can be cut in late winter and sowed again in spring. Natural ...

early spinach seeds
early spinach seeds
Palco F1

... Leaf size Big leaves specially when grown for winter spinach Leaf color Dark green specially when grown as winter spinach Maturity Early Comments An important ...

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