Wood bark soil mixing machines

2 companies | 3 products
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mobile soil mixing machine
mobile soil mixing machine

Tank capacity: 800 l

... are rotated, afterwards the excess bark is removed by vibration. Moreover, we provide our potting machines with a second drill engine to fill pots with a pouring edge so the bark is ...

See the other products
stationary soil mixing machine
stationary soil mixing machine

... demtec mulcher that is to be installed on top of a conveyor. Herewith, a level layer of bark is provided while the tray passes by. Most of the times, the bark mulcher is put in line with the tray filler ...

See the other products
stationary soil mixing machine
stationary soil mixing machine
ML T series

Tank capacity: 15 m³ - 90 m³

... for the Northamerican market •Various sizes hoppers and belts Mixing lines for mixing materials and additives The Logitec Plus mixing lines are modularly composable machines ...

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