Nutrient solution dispensers

5 companies | 6 products
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{{/end}} {{/each}}


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fertilizer dispenser
fertilizer dispenser
Shaker Set®

IRRITEC® fertigation systems combine practicality and reliability with a modern injection system of nutrient solutions. The management of the fertilizer is regulated by simple fertigation recipes that can be set according to the agronomical/nutritional ...

fertilizer dispenser
fertilizer dispenser

INTELLIDOSE Automatically manage nutrient and pH levels, set remote alarms and data log progress with a nutrient dosing system. IntelliDose sets the industry standard for small commercial auto-dosing. Grower approved for 10 years, ...

nutrient solution dispenser
nutrient solution dispenser

Hands-free monitoring and dosing of solution pH levels. Simple. We know pH levels can be the difference between a great crop and well, a disaster. Measuring and adjusting nutrient solution levels constantly can be time-consuming. And ...

See the other products
Bluelab Corporation
feed dispenser
feed dispenser

Full control of reservoir pH, conductivity and temperature in one place. When connected to a dosing system the Bluelab® Pro Controller™ manages pH, conductivity and temperature levels in reservoirs. As your plants feed, pH and nutrients ...

See the other products
Bluelab Corporation
fertilizer dispenser
fertilizer dispenser

The Hozon Brass Siphon Mixer is a time-tested, accurate proportioning device, designed for small scale growers and gardeners. The Siphon Mixer dispenses fertilizers, insecticides, fungicides and other water soluble chemicals through a ...

feed dispenser
feed dispenser

Capacity: 100 ml - 1,000 ml

Filling machine with very efficient filling performance. It features a 30 liter hopper with a large suction volume at one time. A rotary valve controls the transfer of the paste material to the outlet, without dripping. With a large-power ...

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