Nutrient solution dispensers

5 companies | 6 products
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{{/end}} {{/each}}


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{{/end}} {{/each}}


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fertilizer dispenser
fertilizer dispenser

The Hozon Brass Siphon Mixer is a time-tested, accurate proportioning device, designed for small scale growers and gardeners. The Siphon Mixer dispenses fertilizers, insecticides, fungicides and other water soluble chemicals through a ...

fertilizer dispenser
fertilizer dispenser
Shaker Set®

IRRITEC® fertigation systems combine practicality and reliability with a modern injection system of nutrient solutions. The management of the fertilizer is regulated by simple fertigation recipes that can be set according to the agronomical/nutritional ...

fertilizer dispenser
fertilizer dispenser

INTELLIDOSE Automatically manage nutrient and pH levels, set remote alarms and data log progress with a nutrient dosing system. IntelliDose sets the industry standard for small commercial auto-dosing. Grower approved for 10 years, ...

nutrient solution dispenser
nutrient solution dispenser

Hands-free monitoring and dosing of solution pH levels. Simple. We know pH levels can be the difference between a great crop and well, a disaster. Measuring and adjusting nutrient solution levels constantly can be time-consuming. And ...

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Bluelab Corporation
feed dispenser
feed dispenser

Full control of reservoir pH, conductivity and temperature in one place. When connected to a dosing system the Bluelab® Pro Controller™ manages pH, conductivity and temperature levels in reservoirs. As your plants feed, pH and nutrients ...

See the other products
Bluelab Corporation
feed dispenser
feed dispenser

Capacity: 100 ml - 1,000 ml

Filling machine with very efficient filling performance. It features a 30 liter hopper with a large suction volume at one time. A rotary valve controls the transfer of the paste material to the outlet, without dripping. With a large-power ...

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