Keimprozesse-Wachstumskammer MGR48 01

Keimprozesse-Wachstumskammer - MGR48 01 - Meditech
Keimprozesse-Wachstumskammer - MGR48 01 - Meditech
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Internal Pressurization Bubble Testing System for ASTM F2096 manufactured by Burhani Hardware used for Package Leak Detector and Seal Tester in application such as Package Manufacturers, Sea packaged food, meat packaged food , cheese, Pet Food, Medical pouches, Pharmaceutical pouch, cosmetic, Dairy products, Cereal and Grains, Bakery Products, snack food, coffee and tea, confectionary and other related products. What is vacuum leak detector Bubble Emission Leak Testing Systems Bubble Emission Leak Testing Systems from Burhani Hardware And Fittings for Quality Control Burhani Pack-Vac Leak Detectors assist you guarantee to your customers that your packaging system is dependable once it leaves your facility. Sealing time, packing material compatibility, seal reliability in high altitude trucking and airfreight are some of the production variables that has to be taken into account since the manufacturing possibilities are countless. This Internal Pressurization Tank System is designed to Detect Gross Leaks in Packaging by Internal Pressurization of test samples known as Bubble Test. The Burhani Internal Pressurization Bubble Testing System is manufactured according to ASTM F2096-11.The This test is sensititive to 250 micron holes. Bottles, Purses, Pouches, Boxes, Receptacles, plates, sacks, Jugs, Jars, Vials or anything else that can be puntured and submersed under water can be tested.



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