Milchtank 100-200-300 Liters
vertikalMetallmit Rührer

Milchtank - 100-200-300 Liters - Sayginlar Agriculture Machinery Ltd. - vertikal / Metall / mit Rührer
Milchtank - 100-200-300 Liters - Sayginlar Agriculture Machinery Ltd. - vertikal / Metall / mit Rührer
Milchtank - 100-200-300 Liters - Sayginlar Agriculture Machinery Ltd. - vertikal / Metall / mit Rührer - Bild - 2
Milchtank - 100-200-300 Liters - Sayginlar Agriculture Machinery Ltd. - vertikal / Metall / mit Rührer - Bild - 3
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Weiteres Merkmal
mit Rührer

100 l, 200 l, 300 l
(26 gal, 53 gal, 79 gal)


SAYGINLAR AGRICULTURE MACHINERY, which was established in a small workshop as a family business in 1984, had started its production with tractor cabins and trailers but today it has expanded its product line to more than thirty machines and it has been growing being the agent of many brands that have hundreds of products in agriculture sector. Our company has been manufacturing in his 3.000 m2 indoors and 2.000m2 outdoors sized factory which is located in Afyonkarahisar Industrial Zone and for sales, we have been using our showroom which is located in the city center. Our sales are mainly domestic thanks to common dealers’ web and service points, but we also have been exporting to countries such as Kuwait, Azerbaijan and Iran. Our main products in terms of agricultural machinery are feed mixer wagons, tractor trailers, manure spreaders, slurry tanks, water and oil tankers, tractor mounted loaders, soil preparation machines etc. Besides we have been producing machines such as forklift carrying trailers and tractor or forklift mounted road sweepers for the demands of other sectors.


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* Die Preise verstehen sich ohne MwSt., Versandkosten und Zollgebühren. Eventuelle Zusatzkosten für Installation oder Inbetriebnahme sind nicht enthalten. Es handelt sich um unverbindliche Preisangaben, die je nach Land, Kurs der Rohstoffe und Wechselkurs schwanken können.