Medidor de humedad para cereales FS4
con visualizador digital

Medidor de humedad para cereales - FS4 - SCHALLER GmbH - con visualizador digital
Medidor de humedad para cereales - FS4 - SCHALLER GmbH - con visualizador digital
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para cereales
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con visualizador digital


Applications Whole grain meter with 300g sample weight and sample temperature measurement. For use in farming, trade, seed growing, research, laboratories, and the food and animal feed industries. Grain moisture meter for maize, rye, Triticale, wheat, durum wheat, spelt, barley, oats, rape, pumpkin seeds, field peas, soybeans, scarlet runner beans, horse beans, sunflower seeds, Jatropha, peeled and unpeeled raw coffee, roast and ground coffee, peeled, unpeeled and brown rice, poppy seeds, millet, sorghum millet, peeled buckwheat; further species on request With reference calibration curve and customer calibration function Features •Measuring range 0 to 50% water content depending on the material •Resolution 0.1% water content •Calibrate accuracy +/- 0.4% •Hectoliter compensated •Sample temperature measurment •Temperature ca be set to °C or °F as required •Automatic temperature compensation •Large, well-lit LC display •Measurement within seconds without prior treatment of samples •Hold function, manual saving of results, data log für 10.000 logs with measuring point report •Supplier's data and batch number can be recorded •Customer calibrations function for spezial fruits, granulate etc. •Online function for data transfer •Robust stainless housing •Scope of supply: humimeter FS4 with rubber protection cover, humimeter USB data interface module with LogMemorizer measuring data recording and analysing software on USB flash drive incl. USB cable for PC, digital scale, plastic case, measuring cup and batteries •Optional: printer, ISO measuring device scheck



humimeter FS4
humimeter FS4
2 Páginas
* Los precios no incluyen impuestos, gastos de entrega ni derechos de exportación. Tampoco incluyen gastos de instalación o de puesta en marcha. Los precios se dan a título indicativo y pueden cambiar en función del país, del coste de las materias primas y de los tipos de cambio.