Mechanically measuring liquid distribution under the spray boom
Even though all nozzles can individually demonstrate a perfect flow, this doesn't mean that they do present a good distribution (overlap). With this small patternator, it is possible to determine whether the distribution along the length of the full boom is as expected. If not, it will be necessary to adjust until the right distribution pattern is achieved.
The patternator is a strong, reliable and well tested tool used to measure the liquid distribution under a spray boom. It supplies the most effective and economic solution for the verification and calibration of spray booms.
There are three kinds of mobile horizontal patternators:
.3 segments of patternator in plastic (10 cm gutters), with a collection surface of 90 x 150 cm each
.3 segments of patternator in plastic (10 cm gutters), with a collection surface of 80 x 90 cm each
.Single patternator part (5 cm gutters), collecting surface 80 x 90 cm. Panels are modular and can be connected together, suitable for educational use or visual verification.
.In the bottom there are wheels for moving the spraying tables around with ease.
.Made of qualitative plastics.
.The compact design and light weight make it practical and easy to handle.