Automatically measuring liquid distribution under the spray boom for precise nozzle characterization
Even though all nozzles can individually demonstrate a perfect flow, this doesn't mean that they do present a good distribution (overlap). With the horizontal patternator it is possible to determine the characteristics of nozzles under standardized conditions.
The distribution is measured by spraying on the table with the nozzles at normal spraying height. By inclining the measuring glasses, the distribution can be analyzed. The spray tables are available in different working widths with a manual or completely automatic adjustable spray boom.
.Custom made on demand.
.Built with aluminum gutters (ISO5682): 25, 50 or 100 mm wide.
.Available working widths: 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 meters.
.Available working depths: 1,5; 2; 2,5 and 3 meters.
.Visual or automatic reading of the collected liquid in the measuring glasses.
.Automatic reading in a static way (rotating measuring glasses) or in a dynamic procedure with flash measurements.
.Upon request automatic spray boom positioning available.
.Automated protocols, repetitions and other possible.
.Automatic nozzle activation and de-activation available.
.Possibility to integrate a precise pressure controller in back-loop.
.Continuous flow rate measurement, measurement of temperature of sprayed liquid and ambient air as well as relative humidity near the patternator can be integrated.
.Blue led lights for indicating spray patterns, spray angles and droplets size are optional.