Electronically measuring liquid distribution under a spray boom
Even though all nozzles can individually demonstrate a perfect flow, this doesn't mean that they do present a good distribution (overlap). With the spray scanner it is possible to determine whether the distribution along the length of the full boom is as expected. If not, it will be necessary to adjust until the right distribution pattern is achieved.
The liquid distribution under a spray boom reflects the quality of the sprayer and its distribution under field conditions. The spray scanner works autonomously under the spray boom until the entire spray boom is measured. The distribution is measured with a high precision and independent of the operator.
.Measuring surface of 80 x 150 cm.
.The measuring plane is horizontal (no slope in the upper surface) - max 99 m.
.Unique in its measuring principle (electronic conductivity). Electrodes measure the rate at which the spray liquid is collected by each of the patternator channels. These values are retained by the memory box to collectively derive the degree of uniformity as a Coefficient of Variation (CV%).
.Display unit: calibration and test procedure is very comprehensible with clear instructions given by the display unit – all necessary parameters such as starting position and boom width, being readily entered by the operator.
.The data are stored in a memory box and can be transferred to a PC.
.The data in the memory box can be exchanged through a wireless communication system between scanner and PC, which allows a continuous updating of results on the computer and steering of the device from the PC.