Cellpro is a functional protein that has been designed to be part of a nutrition programme to reduce the use of zinc on pig farms globally. In trials, it has been proven to develop the microbiome positively and boost the immune system.
Cellpro can beneficially replace expensive proteins, such as fishmeal and soy protein concentrates.
Cellpro already showed great results
There has already been production trials, which has proofed that Cellpro is replacing top-end qualities of fishmeal, SPC and other expensive proteins with better results.
Cellpro are tested on young weaning piglets and the result shows that the piglets of 5 kg have had 500g more gained weight in comparison with other proteins.
Cellpro can beneficially replace expensive proteins in their starter feed – for instance fishmeal and soy protein concentrates.
If you are replacing cheaper proteins like fermented soy or soybean meal, then you will see a positive effect on the feed conversion and the piglet´s health.
Significant health improvements
Cellpro™ was developed to protect the weaners’ guts and to boost their immunity early on to ensure better feed efficiency.
Based on their own experiments, many large, professional feed producers in Europe have already implemented Cellpro in the feeding of very young weaners. This makes it the fastest growing product that we have ever introduced globally.