Splash is classified as a vertical aerator particularly suitable for use in freshwater installations, although the durability of materials can be used without problems for installation in seawater as well.
Splash has an excellent degassing feature, particularly suitable for removing carbon dioxide (CO2) and ammonia (NH4 +) from water.
Splash produces a fountain effect, which allows an increase in the concentration of oxygen in the water through the air-water contact.
Splash is highly efficient, and allows for increased levels of oxygen in the water without causing turbulence on the bottom.
Splash is a submersible motor with double helix for high flow that is optimal for oxygen transfer to water.
Splash is very lightweight, and is therefore easy to handle. A single person can install it.
Splash is particularly suitable for:
- Raceway, floating cages
- Small basins in intensive production.
- Large semi-intensive ponds with localized oxygen supply.