Farmers and consultants can enjoy all the features of SMS Basic plus more in-depth analysis.
Create Report and Print Layouts
Discover Yield Influencers
Reveal Management Zones
Create Formula-Based Prescriptions
Interpret NIR Imagery
Better Visualize Field Topography
Manage Operational Activities
Booklet Printing
Create personalized booklets for each client using the Booklet Printing Module. Determine the reports, graphs, maps, charts and analysis results to be included; SMS does the rest. Export as HTML or PDF files to be emailed or uploaded to the web.
Water Management Module
Map out and plan tile lines while visualizing the field from different perspectives and layering yield or soil type maps.
Plot Prescription Module
Strategically place and define in-field research plots in the office and use these plot prescriptions to plant in the field.
Field Trial Module
Designing, placing and replicating field trials is now easier than ever before. Additionally, new automated trial analysis tools to drive improved management practices are coming soon.