The AGI Milltec Thickness Grader is used to separate Brown rice and Polished rice grains based in thickness.
The material is processed through revolving cylindrical screens that separate ad mixture of oversized or undersized grains. These can also remove immature or broken grains from the input grain and can be installed with a variable speed drive to customize the input speed.
The product is subjected to traverse in the wire mesh cylinders to grains based on their thickness. The machine is specifically designed and best suited for Raw rice, Steam rice, Par-boiled rice, Boiled rice, and Basmati rice.
Key Features
Accurate separation
A specially designed cylindrical screen that ensures the accuracy of separation
Integrated cleaning brush
An integrated cleaning brush counter rotates with the drum to avoid choking of slots
Variable sieves
Customised selection of sieves to suit various application
Optional variable speed
Can be fitted with variable speed drive (optional)
Efficient distribution
Finely balanced inlet for efficient distribution of product
Durable construction
M.S with laser cut steel sheet structure
Available range