The benefits of Plant Stress Analysis
Plant Stress Analysis identifies the exact percentage, size and location of stress zones where crops haven’t emerged into healthy plants or haven’t emerged at all, areas with diseases, drought or other yield-limiting factors. The report you receive after performing plant stress analysis is a map which clearly indicates health and problem-causing areas of the field. By identifying zones of potential stress you get a chance to act timely with the most adequate measures to increase yield.
The best time to apply Plant Stress Analysis
Although it can be done throughout the entire growing season, performing plant stress analysis is particularly useful when preparing for the mid-season and late-season tasks because it should be used as a regular plant and pre-harvest monitoring tool.
Supported CROPS
Plant Stress Analysis is ideal for continual monitoring and analysis of various types of crops. It is known to have produced impressive results with all forestry, field, and plantation crops, as well as vegetables.