C-UMID-UWP : Dehumidification controller with simultaneous work on vents and on/off heating. Without high humidity it controls vents in proportion of the temperature and on/off heating with different day temperatures and night temperatures, thank to light level sensor. If humidity passes a programmed level, the controller make the temperature rise and it opens the vents after a programmable delay, while the heating keep on working. This causes a quick decrease of the relative humidity. Between the dehumidification processes there is a programmable pause. All the phases are programmable by the user; in this way there’s a significant reduction in energy consumption. The controller can also start a humidification system with programmable nebulization duration and pause duration.
C-UMID-UWPG version controls also the double film inflation.
C-UMID-CL-WP controls also independently side and ridge vents, but not humidification.
C-UMID-CL-WPV controls also the circulation fans, independently, in function of temperature and humidity. The controller is equipped with temperature and humidity sensors (internal) and wind speed, rain presence and light intensity sensors (external). It’s a very convenient solution.