The only BOTTIN dung spreading harrow DUNG SPREADING HARROW – LAWN CLEANING – MOLE ELIMINATION – FEATHERING – SCATTERING OF DROPPINGS – THISTLE ELIMINATION – MANURE HARROW Flexible spring-mounted hitch. Frame, scrapers and combs that are galvanised. Adjustable pressure from zero kilos to overall machine weight on each row of components. The only all-season – all-terrain dung spreading harrow. Plains or mountains, sandy, clay, rock soils – dry or moist. For mosses Because the gauge wheels allow for perfect pressure adjustment Because each row can be adjusted separately Because the 10 cm palettes enter in all the holes Because the flexibility of the special BOTTIN springs allow for precise following of the ground contours Because the original BOTTIN teeth allow the grass to be aerated without touching the roots Wheels with bearings (equipment standard or optional on certain models)
•1st Row: Scrapers measuring 60 cm with 4 springs
•2nd Row: Spreader pallets measuring 10 cm with 1 spring
•3rd Row: Independent rakes measuring 30 cm with 2 springs or comb teeth on support