This unit is suitable for both cultivation of an entire field as well as for cultivation between rows of all types of cereals, soya, tilled crops, vegetables and other similar crops and for all types of soil. The use of this implement is especially effective where there is the danger of a crust forming in the topsoil after planting, which would be a hindrance to the seeds sprouting (e.g. beets and soya), where there is a lack of water and water must be conserved and for loosening soil where it is particularly stony and/or hard. This implement is also very good for combatting weeds mechanically and working harvest residue into the soil. But that is still not all. Equipped with a seed tank, the implement can also be used for grass nurse crops and for sowing all types of plants with small seeds.
This implement can hIMG_6958andle a wide range of tasks that are among professional soil cultivation. These include preparation of the soil before sowing and loosening the soil after planting to prevent a delay in sprouting for the grain. Loosening also helps make the soil more porous so that oxygen and moisture are distributed more evenly in the soil thereby promoting healthy growth of the plants and making them more resilient to drying out. This implement loosens the soil efficiently and evenly without damaging the plants and is just as well suited for cultivation of the whole field as for cultivation only between rows – even in more advanced stages of plant growth. If the plants have been sown with standard spacing, the implement can be used beginning at the 2nd leaf stage up to a plant height of 20 cm; if the rows are even farther apart, even up to a plant height of 60 cm.