► The Gasoline Trolley Model has a powerful pump producing high pressure and an economically efficient engine.
► The wheels, provide easy movement in-row spacing between rows.
► The Gasoline Trolley Model is an ideal machine for combating diseases and pests in greenhouses, ornamental plants, stunted fruit trees, and other low plant species.
► We offer ease of use to you, our esteemed farmers, with its superior performance, easy adjustment, time-saving, and helping you reduce excess water, pesticide, and fuel consumption.
Polyethylene tanks produced with the AGROSE technology; which are manufactured to be resistant to ultraviolet rays, corrosion and negative effects of pesticides. Therefore, it does not form bacteria and algae on the tank surface.
► According to your request, domestic or imported pumps can be used.
►Profiles are made of ST37 material and have a high coefficient of strength and resistance
► In terms of adding rigidity to the chassis applied protective primer paint and applied metallic paint as topcoat
► All of the AGROSE spray guns made parts of chrome-coated brass, the injector plaques are made of stainless steel. Due to this feature, blocking caused by corrosion does not occur in paint guns. The spraying angle and flow can be adjusted easily thanks to the comfortable handle. The spraying distance change between 5-15 meters depending on the appropriate pressure and plate diameter.