ToRi is machine intended for tobacco ridging operations.
Purpose of machine:
- ridging of tobacco
Machine properties:
- Fits machines with Cat 1 and 2, 3-Point hook-up
- Elements of the machine are made in welded version
- Robust construction
- Easy and simple handling and set up
- High work effect
- Facilitate the soil oxygenation
- Leaves plant well earthed up
- Performs operation of preparation for the following harvester passage
- Low demand regarding tractor power
- Improves yield
- Working depth regulated mechanicaly
- Wareable parts are easily replaceable
Working principle:
1. Working parts collect soil and earthen up stems of the plants by burrowing it with soft soil.
2. Side shields protects vegetative part of the plant from beying burrowed
Versions of the machine:
1. TR 2 b – Tobacco ridger machine with 2 working parts
2. TR 2 – Tobacco ridger machine with 3 working parts
3. TR 2 Mb – Tobacco ridger machine with 2 working parts
4. TR 2 M- Tobacco ridger machine with 3 working parts
Video of machine in action is available on following Youtube link: (copy/paste link in your URL bar)