The tilt-back tilt-back tile refiner features features different depending on the power of the tractor. For tractors from 140 to 200 CV is offered with 800mm body and 700mm height on the front roof tile. For its part the width of it has variations: 2,500, 2,600, 2,700 or 2,800
mm. The width of the rear tile must also be taken into account, with another four possibilities (depending on the front tile chosen): 2,700, 2,800, 2,900 and 3,000 mm.
On the other hand, for tractors that reach or exceed 200 HP, this refiner. It has a 1,000 mm box, with a height of the front tile that does not in no case exceeds 800 mm. Regarding the width of the front shingles and rear is offered to the user with the same measurements as for tractors less powerful mentioned above.