We provide various types of sinker anchors based on seabed conditions, water depth, and preferences. The primary characteristic of an anchor is its holding power relative to its own weight, and here our Aqua HP anchor takes the lead. Additionally, we supply plow anchors and patent anchors, as well as T-bolts. The latter is used on rocky seabeds and can be installed at a depth of 500 meters using the Sub-Fighter ROV with Rock Drill.
Safety first - experienced crew and certified solutions
Alongside maintaining the facility's stability, proper mooring plays a crucial role in the work environment and the safety of the personnel involved in the operation of the fish farming facility. A facility that is both secure and stable directly contributes to increased work comfort and a significant reduction in the potential risk of accidents.
A customized cost-saving mooring system that is easy to install and has high breaking strength.
Alfaring is a patented and non-steel coupling point specially designed for floating aquaculture facilities. The main component of the system is a flexible polyurethane ring with a core of 7 braided steel cables, encased in polyurethane. Associated chafing gear is also made of polyurethane.
■Diameter: 100 cm
■Weight: 54 kg
■MBL (Minimum Breaking Load): 217 tons
Why choose Alfaring?
A customized cost-saving mooring system that is easy to install and has high breaking strength.
■Increased safety
■Extended lifespan
■Fewer inspections
■Less wear and tear
■Reduced maintenance costs
■Meets the requirements of NS 9415