One of the most important factors for gentle feed handling is regulating transport air speed. Speed kills, also when it comes to feed systems. A reduction in the speed of transport of air provides a significant reduction in the amount of dust and breakage of the feed.
Rotor Spreaders are designed to provide excellent feed spread in pens. All our models have adjustable light weight aluminum rotor pipes that allow for lower air speed for start-up and rotation. This means less dust and breakage, power consumption, back pressure, air temperature, noise and wear and tear on the feed pipes. Our unique ventilated Zenon bearing requires no regular cleaning and does not corrode.
Extra low friction
The ventilated bearing has extra low friction, requires no regular cleaning and does not corrode.
Smart solutions
The twistable rotor tip is less curved and ensures more gentle feed care.
Rotorspreder Hex
Rotor Spreader Hex has a light weight but strong construction which ensures reliable performance in rough water.
Stability matters
The RS-63 and RS-90 models have a heavy keel weight in galvanized steel to keep them stable in rough seas.