If you need greater flexibility, take a closer look at Alloway’s Model 2130 cultivator. The 2130 accepts a wide variety of options, tools, and accessories. Its strong welded construction means fewer adjustments permitting easy maintenance and field ready operation.
For Use In:
Sugarbeets, Corn, Sunflowers, Soybeans
Features and Benefits
•Standard gauge wheels on gangs
•2” x 4” welded trees
•Standard S-tines (3 per 22” row – 5 per 30” row)
•12” tine spacing standard, 15” tine spacing optional
Optional Equipment
•Support wheels or guide wheels
•Lift assist wheels on larger models
•Tree with 15” tine spacing also available
•S-tine helper springs or Penetrator tines
•6” flotation gauge wheels and arm assembly
•Adjustable depth control
•Tunnel shields
•Parking stand (for cultivators without support or guide wheels)
•Stabilizer coulter
•Variety of shovels
•Tip-up tine brackets
•Flip-up dual discs
•Guide furrow marker
Gang Assemblies
3-Tine Gang Assembly
•2” x 4” welded tress
•12” tine spacing
5-Tine Gang Assembly
•2” x 4” welded trees
•12” tine spacing