The most versatile of our vibrators hitched to the back of a tractor.
It is designed to vibrate fruit trees : walnuts, plums, cherries, cider apples.
Its star vibration was thought not to hurt the tree while ensuring an optimal work. All his movements are hydraulic.
Available in several versions : manual or electric control, oil cooler, arms on several length for all types of trees, it combines robustness, high efficiency and softness.
The hollow tubes, filled with soft material are offered as an option. They are especially suitable for harvesting fresh nuts and vibrating fragile trees.
This hydraulic vibrator is available in 2 versions:
– VHY with hydraulic adjustment of the head orientation: up to 100 shafts/hour
– VSH (Simple Hydraulic Vibrator) with manual adjustment of the head orientation : up to 85 shafts/hour
– Quick replacement of parts
– Hydraulic vane pump for VHY, and gear pump and multiplier for VSH
– Can shake up to 100 trees per hour (VHY) / 85 trees per hour (VSH)
– For trunks from 0.50 m to 2.40 m in height and up to 1.60 m in circumference (Ø 500 mm)
– Star vibration, single belt drive
– All movements are hydraulic
– Masses are driven by two hydraulic motors giving a great dynamism at the start
– Minimum tractor power required: 60 HP
– The opening and closing, as well as the vibration of the clamp are done by manual controls (placed on the vibrator)
OPTIONS : – Electric control – Oil cooler