The hydraulically driven AP irrigation machines are available in various versions. There are 4 models that come with a built-on PTO pump, a built-on motor pump or a hydro-kit.
Choosing the proper irrigation machine depends on several factors like the length of the parcels, the desired amount of precipitation per ha. or per hour and the amount and type of water supply.
The range consists of the types Midi, Mixi, Maxi and Gigant. The types differ in drum height and width, track width, hose lengths and diameters etc.
The unique hydraulic winding system is characterized by the low power requirements and distinguishes itself by a low fuel consumption compared to the turbine driven machines or other winding systems.
The drum of the AP irrigation machine functions as diesel tank. This large tank ensures carefree irrigation during dry, busy periods.
Standard equipment MIDI and MIXI with hose 110 and 125 mm:
•Caprari MEC-DMR 65-2/2A or Caprari MEC-DMR 80-3/2C pump (PTO pump machine).
•Self-priming Caprari MG 80-4/3 water pump with FPT diesel motor (motor pump machine).
•7 Meter 4” suction hose and 4” strainer including hydraulic lifting arm (optionally 5″).
•Approval certificate EU regulations 167/2013.