The Grassland Harrow GS 600 M1 is used mainly in areas where increased grassland cultivation is necessary. The two powerful front tine rows pull out weeds and counteract thatching, while the two weak back tine rows separate the earth from the pulled out lawn thatch and weeds and work the spread grass seeds into the soil.
Functional Principle
High quality basic fodder is an important source of energy in the dairy industry. The APV Grassland Harrow pulls out unwanted grasses, creates space for high quality seeds and aerates the soil. Thus, the harrow stimulates the natural formation and the germination of a diverse plant stock. In combination with a Pneumatic Seeder, you can till your fields in one working process and seed grasses and legumes. In this way, you control the relationship between grasses, legumes and herbs. Improve your grassland stock and increase your yields with APV's Grassland Harrow.
•Due to the shape and numerous adjustment possibilities, you achieve the optimal harrow pattern with all the requirements.
•Use the spring-mounted levelling plate (available as an accessory) to level out molehills and other unevennesses.
•Harrow sections with cranked spring tines of various thicknesses. This combination is unique in agricultural engineering!
•Combine up to four working steps in one (levelling, tilling, seeding, retilling).
•You can also use the Grassland Harrow in agriculture and apply field fodder with it.