Supra Touch can monitor humidity, ammonia, carbon dioxide, and more. It can then use those conditions to influence how it controls equipment. If the humidity is too high, it can switch heaters on or increase ventilation
to reduce it. The Supra Touch control is a great component for a successful ventilation strategy prioritizing cow comfort!
Features of Supra Touch Control
-Four variable AC stages
-30ft. temperature probe
-Overload protection fuses
-Secondary control modifiers
-5” touch-screen display
-Twelve pluggable general-purpose relays
-Alarm relay for external alarm system
Benefits of Supra Touch Control
-Easy setup and management with intuitive user experience, on-board diagnostics, and self-tests, with the entire system updatable from any USB
-Monitors humidity, ammonia, carbon dioxide, and more
-Can run variable frequency drives (VFDs), single-stage fans, and soaking systems from one interface
-VentGrid™ merged or traditional staged ventilation modes
-Corrosion-resistant, water-resistant, and fire-retardant enclosure
-Automatic temp-based control range
A control infrastructure greatly impacts the herd’s microclimate. Creating the best microclimate positively influences milk production, fertility, health, and overall comfort. Watch these producers explain how a healthy environment has helped their herd and business.