Distribution of liquid feed to gestating, farrowing sows and finishing pigs.
Asserva's multifeeder
Storage vat for damp corn + water : Designed by Asserva, the capacity of the modular vat can be changed to suit your needs. It prepares the feed by mixing corn and water. Available capacity: 300 to 30,000 litres.
Damp corn pump to soup machine : The turbines and pumps used to transport the corn and liquid feed have been strengthened. Pumps come in stainless steel.
Feed collector auger transporting feed to soup machine : A collector auger is used to transfer feed to soup machine. A single point of output for feed makes it easier to wash and improves hygiene.
Soup preparation and distribution machines : Asserva provides a range of vat to meet your farm's specific needs: stainless steel, polyester and rotational mouled, to guarantee hygiene and feed quality. They are fitted with slow stainless steel mixer and variable gears that take the speed at which the vat is being filled into account.
Soup distribution machine : To manage issues aising from the distance between different farm buildings, a preparatory vat can be connected to a vat that is used solely to distribute feed.
Menu separation : The menu separation vat is used to distribute different kinds of feed using the same pipe, without mixing them. Water meals can be distributed when the machine is not in use.